Wednesday, October 23, 2013


Indiana S Antonio Allen, Florida LB Jeremi Powell will miss the rest of the season with torn ACLs

USC RB Justin Davis will miss the rest of the season with an ankle injury

USC G Jordan Simmons will miss the rest of the season with a knee injury

Florida State LB Matthew Thomas, Wyoming DB Darrenn White will miss the rest of the season with shoulder injuries

Iowa State TE Pierce Richardson will miss the rest of the season with a thigh injury

Rutgers CB Lewis Toler will miss the rest of the season with an arm injury

TCU TE Dominic Merka, USC Lamar Dawson will miss the rest of the season with leg injuries

UTEP G Jerel Watkins will miss 2 weeks with a knee injury

Tulsa TE Garrett McGrady will miss the rest of the season with a femur injury

Western Michigan TE Clark Mussman will miss the rest of the season with a foot injury

LSU CB Jeryl Brazil has been suspended indefinitely

College Basketball transfers 2024-25

C ollege Basketball transfers 20 24-25 (22)   Player Pos transfer from transfer to Dallin Smith SG Alabama A&M Nan...