Kansas RB Dom Williams will transfer to Northern Iowa
Texas Tech LB Evan Rambo has quit football due to a knee injury
Indiana RB Sampson James, Indiana RB Ivory Winters will transfer
Duke RB Jaylen Coleman will be out indefinitely due to a torn Achilles
UNLV RB Biaggio Ali Walsh will quit football due to personal reasons
South Florida DT Sione Tuitupou will transfer
Nebraska WR JD Spielman will be out indefinitely due to personal reasons
Texas Tech RB Ta'Zhawn Henry will transfer
Ohio State RB Master Teague III, Ohio State RB Marcus Crowley will be out indefinitely due to undisclosed injuries
Air Force SG Anthony Walker, Boise State SG Bing Huang will transfer
Alabama State PG Jacoby Ross will transfer
American PF Mark Gasperini will transfer
Arizona SF Jake Desjardins, Arizona State SG Elias Valtonen will transfer
Arkansas State SG Melo Eggleston, Arkansas State PG Kobe Wilson will transfer
Austin Peay PF Eli Abaev, Austin Peay PF Sam DeVault will transfer
Ball State SG Lucas Kroft will transfer
Binghamton SG Sam Sessoms will transfer
Boston College PF Jairus Hamilton, Boston College SG Chris Herren Jr will transfer
Texas Tech LB Evan Rambo has quit football due to a knee injury
Indiana RB Sampson James, Indiana RB Ivory Winters will transfer
Duke RB Jaylen Coleman will be out indefinitely due to a torn Achilles
UNLV RB Biaggio Ali Walsh will quit football due to personal reasons
South Florida DT Sione Tuitupou will transfer
Nebraska WR JD Spielman will be out indefinitely due to personal reasons
Texas Tech RB Ta'Zhawn Henry will transfer
Ohio State RB Master Teague III, Ohio State RB Marcus Crowley will be out indefinitely due to undisclosed injuries
Air Force SG Anthony Walker, Boise State SG Bing Huang will transfer
Alabama State PG Jacoby Ross will transfer
American PF Mark Gasperini will transfer
Arizona SF Jake Desjardins, Arizona State SG Elias Valtonen will transfer
Arkansas State SG Melo Eggleston, Arkansas State PG Kobe Wilson will transfer
Austin Peay PF Eli Abaev, Austin Peay PF Sam DeVault will transfer
Ball State SG Lucas Kroft will transfer
Binghamton SG Sam Sessoms will transfer
Boston College PF Jairus Hamilton, Boston College SG Chris Herren Jr will transfer