Saturday, August 7, 2021


Texas A&M DL McKinnley Jackson has been suspended indefinitely

Colorado WR Maurice Bell will miss the season due to a torn achillles 

LSU QB Myles Brennan will be out indefinitely due to an arm injury

Ohio State DE Tyler Friday will be out indefinitely due to an undisclosed injury

Houston WR Cole McGowan will miss the season due to a knee injury

Texas Tech TE John Holcomb has quit football due to an undisclosed injury

Texas Tech DL Gilbert Ibeneme will miss the season due to a bicep injury

Wisconsin TE Cole Dakovich, Wisconsin LS Duncan McKinley will miss the season due to left leg injuries

Indiana QB Dexter Williams will miss the season due to a torn ACL

College Basketball transfers 2024-25

C ollege Basketball transfers 20 24-25 (22)   Player Pos transfer from transfer to Dallin Smith SG Alabama A&M Nan...