Tuesday, April 21, 2020


UCLA QB Austin Burton will transfer to Purdue

UTEP C Kaosi Ezeagu will transfer to Kansas State

UTEP PG Nigel Hawkins will transfer to Stephen F Austin

UTEP PG Jordan Lathon will transfer to Milwaukee

UTEP SG Deon Stroud will transfer to Fresno State

UTEP SF Anthony Tarke, Texas San Antonio SG Adokiye Iyaye, Texas San Antonio PF Austin Timperman, Texas San Antonio PG Makani Whiteside will transfer

Valparaiso SG Javon Freeman Liberty will transfer

Vanderbilt SG Trace Arbuckle will transfer

Vanderbilt PF Oton Jankovic will transfer to Tulane

Vanderbilt PF Matthew Moyer will transfer to George Washington

Virginia Commonwealth PF Marcus Santos Silva will transfer

Virginia Tech SG Landers Nolley II will transfer to Memphis

Virginia Tech SG Brendan Palmer will transfer

Virginia Tech SG Isaiah Wilkins will transfer to Wake Forest

College Basketball transfers 2024-25

C ollege Basketball transfers 20 24-25 (22)   Player Pos transfer from transfer to Dallin Smith SG Alabama A&M Nan...